Luxury Goods

Every industry has experienced the digital world in some way or the other. The way we navigate the internet to buy and try is now heavily embedded in the digital world. The consumer market has, therefore, undergone a radical transformation. The behavior and buying patterns have been mollycoddled to an on-demand model.

The Luxury and Jewelry industry in particular needs to adapt to the new environment of this consumer behavior by capitalizing the digital revolution. It's important for the jewelry industry to stay up to date with the new technology to create loyal customers, with high stickiness, besides using digital technologies for larger virtual stocks and variety to meet the consumer behavior.

With over five decades of jewelry industry experience, we can help you achieve your business goals by virtue of digitalization.

To keep pace with the Digital trends and to be current, it also needs to fit the business model of your company and the needs of the customers - who usually formulate the fundamental of a brand.

Companies have benefitted using our Digitalization RACE model for providing holistic digitalization in the jewelry industry, adapting to the CESA Framework

We provide following services to achieve the goal of the CESA framework

Some of the modern technologies used to provide the digital experience for the Jewellery industry:

  • Augmented Reality
  • IOT
  • Try-On & Personalization Apps
  • Social Commerce
  • Mobile Payments

Our online collaboration platform further offers :

  • Jewelry Online Retail extensions through our B2B collaborative platform - Sutra
  • Sutra helps in facilitating a larger variety of stock and designs to your customers and a community of highly skilled designers and jewelry artisans.

Summing up

The online jewelry market is booming but it is expecting challenges too. Adopting trends could pave your path to success. However, paying attention to innovation and improved measures for shopping experiences is more important. Get the best digitalization service to embrace the best of trends and innovation for your digital jewelry business growth.

Need for maximizing revenue by combining upscale and regular functional luxuryUser experience by creating omni-channel, strategizing and implementing supply networks and service experience
Stickiness for luxury good purchasers for repeat purchases.Omni-Front-End with User Friendly Experience of “importance” helps in sales enhancement and optimizing inventory.
Focus on Niche market and customer micro segments for rebrandingAutomated business processes and omnichannel presence helps address recast and rebranding in various segments quickly
Customer stickiness and loyalty for customer-oriented merchandising and marketing solutions.Artificial Intelligence tools enable quick and regular analysis on most valuable and profitable customer for specific segments.
Contextual promotions and offers for better conversionsDigital experience drives conversion by influencing customers across the purchase journey.
One-on-one customer relationships for upsell or cross segment selling for increase wallet shareAI and Data management techniques reconcile customer data for a unified customer view for cross and upsell
Omni-channel experience to maximize the millennial customer’s share of wallet.Cloud-based platform provides a unified digital experience across connected devices, which cultivates loyalty and increases customer lifetime value.
You need to align inventory with demand to help customers buy via any channel and fulfill orders cost-effectively.The Seesim Omni-channel Personalization Engine presents personalized content to each consumer regardless of the access channel, time and location. In addition, it offers insights into consumer behavior as well as effectiveness of campaigns and provides tools to fine-tune outcomes.
Supply chain that responds to global commerce dynamicsExpertise in integrating location and tracking technology such as Internet of Things devices, RFID readers helps improve Supply visibility to meet global demands
You need an agile supply network to stock sufficient inventory and ship goods and merchandise to your customers on time via their preferred retail channels.Automated Supply chain management solutions align purchase patterns and lifecycle of products with delivery schedules and channels.
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